Alpha Careers


We Take Our Craft Serious

We should say something here about why we do what we do and even reference our vision for Alpha Surfaces and our employees.


Our Vision Statement

We should explain our vision for Alpha Surfaces in more detail here. Then we can even get into our mission.


Value 1

This is a definition of what or value means to us.

Value 2

This is a definition of what or value means to us.

Value 3

This is a definition of what or value means to us.

Value 4

This is a definition of what or value means to us.

Open Positions

We’re hiring. If you’d like to apply for an open position, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page.


 Current Openings



Brief job description goes here.


Template Designer

Brief job description goes here.


Project Installer

Brief job description goes here.

Office Manager

Brief job description goes here.