What to expect at your countertop design meeting

Before we begin your natural stone project, we like to have a Countertop Design Meeting.

What should you expect at this meeting? Check out the short videos below to find out.


Q: What happens at a countertop design meeting?

A: Our main goal is just to learn about your vision for your space and start brainstorming ideas for how we can bring it to life together.

Q: Should you bring your interior designer to the meeting?

A: In short, YES! Check out the video to see how we partner with your interior designer to help you get the best result for your project.

(You don’t have to work with an interior designer for your project, but we involve them every step of the way if you’re working with one.

Q: How do I get prepared for my countertop design meeting?

Getting prepared for your meeting is easy. Check out the short video for a few simple ways to get yourself ready to start your countertop project.

Q: How long does it take to get new countertops?

A: Every project is unique, but our typical process is quick!

Q: Is there anything alpha can’t do at a design meeting?

A: We only assist with the design of your natural stone surfaces, including your countertop, fireplace, or other custom natural stone project. Unfortunately, we do not assist with room renovations outside of the natural stone.

Ready For Your Own Countertop Design Meeting?

Just click the button to schedule one today!